Using DbUp

On a recent project there wasn't an agreed way to run DB scripts. So we built a small command line tool using DbUp. We then wrote the scripts and had them as embedded files within the project - DbUp could then access the scripts and run any that needed to be applied.
We also used CommandLine to give us a nice help screen and the ability to specify parameters.
Uses variables to inject values into scripts.
using System.Reflection;
using CommandLine;
using DbUp;
using DbUp.Engine;
using DbUp.Support;
Parser.Default.ParseArguments<Options>(args).WithParsed(o =>
Console.WriteLine($"Deploying to : {o.ConnectionString}");
var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var result = DeployChanges.To
.WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly(executingAssembly, IsPreDeployment, new SqlScriptOptions { ScriptType = ScriptType.RunAlways, RunGroupOrder = 0 })
.WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly(executingAssembly, IsScript, new SqlScriptOptions { RunGroupOrder = 1 })
.WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly(executingAssembly, IsReferenceData, new SqlScriptOptions { ScriptType = ScriptType.RunAlways, RunGroupOrder = 2 })
.WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly(executingAssembly, IsFunction, new SqlScriptOptions { ScriptType = ScriptType.RunAlways, RunGroupOrder = 3 })
.WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly(executingAssembly, IsStoredProcedure, new SqlScriptOptions { ScriptType = ScriptType.RunAlways, RunGroupOrder = 4 })
.WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly(executingAssembly, IsView, new SqlScriptOptions { ScriptType = ScriptType.RunAlways, RunGroupOrder = 5 })
.WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly(executingAssembly, IsPostDeployment, new SqlScriptOptions { ScriptType = ScriptType.RunAlways, RunGroupOrder = 10 })
.WithVariable("password", o.Password)
.WithVariable("login", o.Login)
.WithVariable("user", o.User ?? o.Login)
if (result.Successful)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
catch (Exception ex)
static bool IsPreDeployment(string scriptName) => ScriptNameStartsWith(scriptName, "PreDeployment.");
static bool IsPostDeployment(string scriptName) => ScriptNameStartsWith(scriptName, "PostDeployment.");
static bool IsScript(string scriptName) => ScriptNameStartsWith(scriptName, "Scripts.");
static bool IsReferenceData(string scriptName) => ScriptNameStartsWith(scriptName, "ReferenceData.");
static bool IsFunction(string scriptName) => ScriptNameStartsWith(scriptName, "Functions.");
static bool IsView(string scriptName) => ScriptNameStartsWith(scriptName, "Views.");
static bool IsStoredProcedure(string scriptName) => ScriptNameStartsWith(scriptName, "StoredProcedures.");
static bool ScriptNameStartsWith(string scriptName, string startsWith) => scriptName.StartsWith($"{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name}.{startsWith}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
internal class Options
[Option('c', "connectionString", Required = true, HelpText = "SQL server connection string")]
public string? ConnectionString { get; set; }
[Option('p', "password", Required = true, HelpText = "SQL server user password")]
public string? Password { get; set; }
[Option('l', "login", Required = true, HelpText = "SQL server login")]
public string? Login { get; set; }
[Option('u', "user", Required = false, HelpText = "SQL server database user")]
public string? User { get; set; }