Excel last row Check if the current row is the last row in a set of data IF(MATCH(REPT("z",50),A:A)=ROW(),"VALUE FOR LAST ROW","VALUE FOR OTHER ROWS") I found the way to find the last row here. It's basically
53300: sorry, too many clients already Randomly started getting this error when running tests using testcontainers... Npgsql.PostgresException: '53300: sorry, too many clients already' Always the same test would fail - initially just returning a System.NullReferenceException with no indication of what was happening. After a bit of digging around found that the underlying
Enable or disable triggers Needed to disable some triggers to allow a deployment script to run, it was taking a really long time if the triggers were enabled and the core data was not being changed so the triggers were not needed. DO $$ DECLARE t record; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT trigger_name FROM
Determine if Postgres is running on AWS RDS I found 3 ways to check if the current instance of Postgres is running on AWS select * from pg_settings where name like 'rds.%'; select * from pg_settings where name like 'aurora%'; select spcname from pg_tablespace where spcname like 'aurora%'; Using the first
Using DbUp On a recent project there wasn't an agreed way to run DB scripts. So we built a small command line tool using DbUp. We then wrote the scripts and had them as embedded files within the project - DbUp could then access the scripts and run any that